Monday, July 22, 2013

TED: Sir Ken

2nd Climate Crisis: Deal with the urgency. What is your talent? Just getting on with it versus letting what you do be who you are.

Education dislocates people from their natural talents. Go looking for them so that they may be encouraged. Transform education into something else. Challenge what we take for granted.

Life is not linear, it is organic, yet we view education this way. "We must get to college." Diversity of talent. Humans depend on it.

College does NOT begin in Kindergarten. 3 is not half of 6... We have sold ourselves to the "fast food," of education. Passion is the key. If you are doing something that resonates with you, hours are like minutes. Human flourishing is organic. We must develop the system to encourage the passions and our students.

Link: Abraham Lincoln Quote:

Link: Yeats quote:

Link: 10 TED talks - Ken Robinson

Lit review for class: possibilities for class project
John Dewey : School and Society: Free for ipad?
Tony Wagner: Creating Innovators
Clay Shirky: Here comes everybody - The Power of organizing without organizations - social media
Clayton Christensen : Disrupting Class - Harvard business professor - Disruptive innovation - disrupt the normal status quo.
Yong Zhao: Catching up or leading the way - see linked website

Check class website for online resources

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